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You may contact us by filling in this form any time you need professional support or have any questions. You can also fill in the form to leave your comments or feedback. We guarantee a response within 24 hours of receiving your email. You can of course also always contact us by phone. Sometimes our mails end up in your spam mailbox, please do not forget to check your spam folder regularly. We give an answer to each mail.
“The Canyon Store” is a registered trademark of CanyonStore BV (Daniel Buvens), Firmin Jacobslaan 44, 3545 Halen (Belgium). VAT Registration Number: BE-0884470546. Tel: 0032 497 358994
The trademark is registered at the Benelux-Bureau voor de Intellectuele Eigendom (BBIE).
The trademark is registered at the Benelux-Bureau voor de Intellectuele Eigendom (BBIE).