Customs and Import Duties Information: You may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are levied once the package reaches your country. Additional charges for customs clearance must be borne by you; CanyonStore has no control over these charges and cannot predict what they may be. Upon ordering this product you agree to pay any duties, customs or fees required by your government or the shipper. Customs policies vary widely from country to country; you should contact your local customs office for further information. Additionally, when ordering from The Canyon Store, you are considered the importer of record and must comply with all laws and regulations of the country in which you are receiving the goods. All refused international shipments will be charged return shipping fees.
In most cases you can import up to a certain amount without paying import duties. This varies from country to country, and may be 200 euro, 400 euro, 800 euro, or any other amount. Please check this with your local customs department. It’s impossible for The Canyon Store to keep track of all import laws worldwide.
You don’t have to pay import duties inside the European Single Market!